Best Skin Whitening Tablets in Pakistan [Uses, Price]

The use of skin whitening treatments in Pakistanis is on the rise. As per reports, around 59% of women in Pakistan and around 47% of men use skin whitening treatments for fair complexion.

But now, people are more into skin-whitening tablets. Skin whitening tablets, aka glutathione tablets, are a comparatively better option for getting a fairer complexion than skin whitening creams or serums.

If you are into getting a fairer complexion, go with glutathione tablets. They are a better option; they rejuvenate skin cells, remove toxins, and help you achieve fresher, lighter, and younger skin than before.

If you want to buy glutathione tablets (skin-whitening tablets) and looking for a guide that helps you pick the best option. This guide is for you; in this post, we recommend the best skin whitening tablets in Pakistan, their price, use, and side effects (if there are any). To make you make a better decision for your skin health.


What is Glutathione?

Glutathione is like a superhero molecule that helps our body cells stay healthy. It is more like a tiny shield that fights against the things that make our cells sick or damaged.

Due to aging or not taking good care of our cell, our cell stores harmful stuff that makes them look damaged, older, and prone to different skin diseases. These things get cleansed by glutathione, which our body produces naturally, but its production is limited due to aging and not taking an appropriate diet.

When you take glutathione tablets, in simplest words, you provide your body with the glutathione needed to repair skin cells’ rejuvenation. It helps clean up the messes inside our cells and keeps them working smoothly.



Glutathione is more like a defender, protecting our body and skin against damage. Suppose your skin looks dull, older, and unhealthy. In that case, it’s likely because your body is not producing enough glutathione for your skin cell protection, and you should consult with your doctor about taking Glutathione tablets.

Are Skin Whitening Tablets (Glutathione) effective for Skin Whitening?

Glutathione is an antioxidant that protects cells against the damage caused by the environment and contributes to overall skin health. It’s considered that taking glutathione supplements help in skin lighting by limiting the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color (Black color).

There are enough proofs that glutathione tablets help in skin rejuvenation and lighting. If you want to lighten your skin, or give yourself a fairer complexion, consider taking glutathione tablets.

Best Skin Whitening Tablets in Pakistan:

Best Skin Whitening Tablets in Pakistan

Everyone in Pakistan, especially young girls and boys, looks for skin whitening treatments. In Pakistan, the fairer complexion is considered beautiful; that’s why it’s not about getting healthy skin; it’s always about healthy and glowing skin.

So, if you are looking for a skin whitening treatment in Pakistan, a cheaper skin whitening method than skin whitening injections, this guide is a help.

In this guide, we are reviewing the best skin-whitening capsules you can get in Pakistan. Remember that we only added the tablets approved by DRAP (Drug Regulatory Authority Pakistan).

So, maybe, you come up with a brand that claims to provide amazing results but doesn’t trust it if it needs approval. You never know what’s the formula of that product and what can be the diverse or negative effects of that brand.

Let’s have a look.

1. GlutaWhite Skin Whitening Tablets:

If you want to achieve healthy and glowing skin, Gluta White Skin Whitening tablets might be your solution. These tablets have been carefully developed and tested to provide various benefits that can help people of all skin types.

One of the best things about Gluta White is that it has been laboratory tested and overseen by specialists and quality experts. This means that you can trust the product’s safety and effectiveness. Additionally, these tablets are safe and certified by DRAP and GMP, ensuring that you’re using a product that meets high standards.

For those concerned about the ingredients, rest assured that Gluta White uses safe and HALAL ingredients. This is especially important for people who are conscious of their dietary choices.

What sets Gluta White apart is its ability to cater to different skin types. Whether your skin is oily, dry, or in between, these tablets are developed to work well for everyone. They can help maintain your skin tone, which is crucial for an even and radiant complexion.

Gluta White Skin Whitening capsules and Gluta White Vitamin C tablets provide all the essential elements for healthy skin. If you’re struggling with skin problems like acne, spots, pimples, pigmentation, or the signs of aging such as wrinkles, these dietary supplements can offer support. They aim to address these concerns and help you achieve clearer, smoother, and younger-looking skin.

The best part is that these benefits come at an affordable price, making it accessible for those who want to invest in their skin’s health without breaking the bank. So, if you’re seeking a trustworthy solution for various skin issues, Gluta White Skin Whitening tablets could be the answer you’ve been looking for.

Remember, it’s always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions.

Gluta White Skin Whitening Tablets Price in Pakistan: 

30 Whitening tablets+ 15 Vitamin C = 3500Rs (15 days)

60 Whitening tablets+ 30 Vitamin C = 6400Rs (30 days)

2. GlutaMax Skin Whitening Tablets

GlutaMax Skin Whitening tablets might be the solution you’ve been searching for if you want to achieve a brighter and more radiant complexion. This unique formula is designed to lighten your skin tone effectively, all without causing any harm.

What’s fascinating about GlutaMax is its special formula that works gently. It encourages your liver to produce more glutathione, a natural substance that can lighten your skin. This process helps reduce skin issues like hyperpigmentation, freckles, melasma, and age spots. If you’ve been struggling with these skin concerns, GlutaMax is the answer.

These tablets don’t just stop at lightening your skin. They also eliminate dullness, giving your skin a fresh and vibrant appearance. Imagine your face glowing with newfound radiance!

One of the key features of GlutaMax is its impressive lineup of powerful ingredients. It contains glutathione, the star player known for its skin-lightening abilities. Additionally, vitamin C is present, like a boost of energy for your skin. This vitamin helps brighten your complexion and reduce the appearance of blemishes. The formula also includes skin-loving antioxidants that nourish and protect your skin from damage.

GlutaMax Skin Whitening pills offer a holistic approach to achieving a lighter and healthier skin tone. By targeting issues like hyperpigmentation and dullness, these tablets work to reveal your skin’s natural radiance. With its combination of effective ingredients, GlutaMax aims to give you the confidence to flaunt skin that looks and feels rejuvenated.

GlutaMax Skin Whitening Tablets Price in Pakistan:

GlutaMax Whitening Capsules 30 Capsule: 4500RS

3. GlutaOne Skin Whitening Tablets 

Are you dreaming of achieving a fairer, more radiant complexion in just a few days? Look no further than Gluta One Skin Whitening capsules. This treatment method is one of the best options to brighten your skin tone quickly, and it’s suitable for both men and women.

No need to worry about skin issues like acne, wrinkles, dark spots, or pigmentation anymore. Gluta One Skin Whitening tablets solve all these problems in one go. It’s like having a superhero remedy for your skin struggles!

The magic lies in the ingredients. Each tablet contains powerful elements: glutathione 500mg, collagen fiber, and Vitamin-E. Glutathione helps inhibit the production of melanin, which is responsible for those pesky dark spots and uneven skin tones. Collagen fiber works to improve your skin’s elasticity and fight wrinkles. Vitamin E acts like a shield, protecting your skin from damage and keeping it healthy.

But that’s not all – Gluta One Skin Whitening pills have even more to offer. By boosting your immunity, these tablets support your body’s defenses against various health issues. It’s like a double bonus – beautiful skin and better health.

Are you worried about getting these tablets? Don’t be! They are available for delivery all over Pakistan, so you can enjoy their benefits no matter where you are.

Enriched with antioxidants and essential nutrients, these tablets work from within to nourish your skin. It’s like giving your skin a delicious treat of goodness that promotes overall skin health.

GlutaOne Skin Whitening Tablets Price in Pakistan:

Gluta One 60 (500MG Tablets): 6,000 PKR

4. Gluta Glime Skin Whitening Tablets 


If you’re on the journey to achieve skin that radiates youthfulness, Gluta Glime Skin Whitening tablets could be your secret weapon. Packed with powerful ingredients, these tablets offer a holistic approach to achieving a healthier and more vibrant complexion.

The ingredients in Gluta Glime Skin Whitening tablets are a superstar team for your skin’s well-being. L-Glutathione, Vitamin C, ALA, and Vitamin E combine to create a potent formula targeting various skin health aspects.

Antioxidants, like those found in these tablets, are like shields against free radicals in the body. Free radicals can cause oxidative stress, leading to premature skin aging. Gluta Glime helps you maintain youthful and glowing skin by fighting these harmful elements.

Vitamin C, a key player in the formula, does wonders for your skin. It’s essential for producing collagen, a protein that keeps your skin looking young and healthy. Think of collagen as the building blocks that keep your skin firm and smooth.

Vitamin E plays a vital role as an antioxidant too. It works alongside the other ingredients to protect your skin from damage caused by environmental factors and free radicals.

And let’s remember ALA (Alpha-Lipoic Acid), another superhero ingredient. ALA not only promotes the production of glutathione – a natural substance that helps lighten skin – but it also assists in recycling Vitamin C and E. This recycling process ensures that these vitamins continue to do their job in keeping your skin beautiful.

Gluta Glime Skin Whitening tablets give your skin the support it needs to stay healthy and vibrant. While these tablets sound promising, remember that everyone’s skin is unique. Consulting a healthcare professional before starting a new supplement is always wise.

Gluta Glime Skin Whitening tablets could be the ally you’ve been searching for in your quest for youthful and glowing skin. So why not embark on this journey to healthier, more radiant skin? Your skin will thank you for the care and attention!

Gluta Glime Skin Whitening Tablets Price in Pakistan:

(30 Tablets) 4500 PKR

What are some benefits of taking Skin Whitening Tablets?

1. Cell Protection

Glutathione is like a tiny bodyguard for your cells. It helps keep them safe from harm caused by pollution, stress, unhealthy diet, and aging.

2. Immune Support

It’s a superhero sidekick for your immune system. Glutathione helps your body’s defense system fight off bad guys like germs and viruses, making your skin look younger, fresher, and healthier.

3. Detox Helper

Imagine it as a cleaner for your body. Glutathione helps eliminate waste and toxins that can build up inside you, keeping your body running smoothly. Due to an unhealthy diet, stress, and various other factors, toxins accumulate in our skin cells. These toxins, if not removed, can make you fall sick and look your skin unhealthy, older, and dull.

4. Skin Health

Glutathione can give your skin a healthy glow. It might help reduce some skin problems and keep your skin looking its best. As per much evidence, these tablets also lighten your skin tone by limiting the production of melanin, a substance responsible for color in our skin.

5. Anti-Aging

Like a time-traveler’s helper, glutathione might slow down some aging effects, helping you feel and look younger.

6. Energy Booster

It’s like fuel for your body. Glutathione helps your cells produce energy so you can stay active and lively.

7. Mood Balancer

Glutathione might help keep your mood bright by supporting the balance of chemicals in your brain.

8. Brain Support

It’s like brain food. Glutathione could help protect your brain cells and keep your mind sharp.


The benefits of the glutathione tablets mentioned here are general. It depends on your condition; in some cases, you might not enjoy the benefits of glutathione pills due to underlying causes, like liver diseases and others.

How to Take Skin Whitening Tablets?

Taking glutathione capsules can be a smart step towards healthier skin and well-being. Here’s an easy guide to help you get the best results:

Follow the Brand’s Recommendation:

Different brands might have different recommended dosages. For example, GlutaWhite suggests taking 2 GlutaWhite tablets and 1 Vitamin C tablet daily. GlutaOne advises taking 1 GlutaOne tablet and 1 Vitamin C tablet daily. GlutaMax and Gluta Glime recommend taking one tablet daily. Always check the label for the right dosage.

 Take with Water: 

When ready to take your glutathione tablets, have a glass of water handy. Swallow the tablet with water to help your body absorb it better.

Please stick to the Dosage

It’s important to stick to the recommended dosage. More doesn’t mean better. Following the instructions carefully will help you get the best results without any unwanted effects.

4. Consider Your Food

Some foods might interact with glutathione absorption. If there are any foods the brand advises you to avoid while taking the tablets, follow those instructions.

5. Be Patient

Glutathione tablets might take time to show their effects. It’s important to be patient and consistent. Don’t expect immediate results – give your body time to respond.

6. Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is essential. Water helps your body absorb nutrients and supports your overall health.

7. Use Sunscreen:

While glutathione can help improve your skin, protecting it from the sun’s rays is still crucial. Use sunscreen to shield your skin and avoid excessive sun exposure.

Remember, the recommended dosage and instructions may differ from brand to brand, so always read the label carefully.

What Are some possible Side Effects of Skin Whitening Tablets:

While Glutathione skin-whitening tablets can have benefits, it’s important to know about possible side effects too. Here are some things to keep in mind:

1. Allergic Reactions:

Some people might have allergies to the ingredients in these tablets. This can lead to rashes, itching, or even difficulty breathing.

2. Digestive Issues:

Taking too many tablets or not drinking enough water can upset your stomach. You might feel nauseous, have diarrhea, or have an upset tummy.

3. Skin Problems:

Surprisingly, using too much glutathione might lead to skin problems instead of solving them. Your skin might become too sensitive or have an uneven color.

4. Interaction with Medications:

If you’re taking other medications, Glutathione tablets could interfere with them. It’s important to talk to a doctor to avoid any negative interactions.

5. Thyroid Issues:

Some reports suggest that glutathione could affect the thyroid gland, which plays a role in your body’s metabolism.

6. Bleaching Concerns:

While the idea is to lighten the skin, using glutathione in high doses might lighten areas you don’t want to lighten, like your nails or the inside of your mouth.

Who should not take Skin Whitening Tablets?

While Skin Whitening tablets offer potential benefits, certain groups of people should avoid taking them due to specific health concerns. Here’s a guide to help you understand who should not take glutathione tablets:

1. Pregnant Women:

If you are pregnant, it’s generally recommended to avoid glutathione tablets. The effects of these tablets on pregnancy are not well understood, and it’s important to prioritize your and your baby’s health.

2. Women Breastfeeding:

If you are breastfeeding, it’s also advisable to avoid glutathione tablets. The substances in the tablets could potentially pass into breast milk and affect the baby’s health.

3. Allergies or Asthma:

Individuals with allergies or asthma might risk adverse reactions to certain tablet ingredients. It’s best to consult a healthcare professional before considering glutathione supplements.

4. Liver Diseases:

People with liver diseases should exercise caution when considering glutathione tablets. The liver plays a role in processing substances like glutathione, and these tablets might interact with the liver’s functioning.

5. Children:

Glutathione tablets are typically formulated for adults. Children’s bodies are still developing, and the effects of such supplements on their growth and development are not well studied.

6. People with Serious Health Conditions:

Individuals with serious health conditions, such as heart problems, kidney diseases, or autoimmune disorders, should consult a healthcare professional before taking supplements, including glutathione tablets. These conditions might interact with the effects of the tablets or worsen existing health issues.

It’s essential to prioritize your health and safety. Before starting any new supplement, including glutathione tablets, it’s advisable to consult a doctor or healthcare expert.

Foods That Naturally Increase Glutathione Production:

Glutathione, a powerful protein composed of cysteine, glutamine, and glycine, is vital in supporting our body’s defense against oxidative stress and maintaining overall health. While our bodies naturally produce glutathione, certain foods can help increase its production. Here’s a look at some delicious options to consider adding to your diet:

1. Almonds:

These crunchy nuts are a great snack and are rich in amino acids that support glutathione production.

2. Turmeric:

The vibrant yellow spice curcumin in turmeric has been linked to enhanced glutathione levels. It’s a flavorful addition to various dishes.

3. Baru Almonds:

Baru almonds are a lesser-known nut that packs a punch of amino acids, helping your body produce more glutathione.

4. Milk Thistle:

This herbal remedy contains a compound called silymarin, known for its potential to boost glutathione levels and promote liver health.

5. Avocado:

Creamy and nutritious, avocados are loaded with compounds that encourage glutathione production in your body.

6. Okra:

This vegetable adds a unique texture to dishes and provides nutrients that can aid in glutathione synthesis.

7. Broccoli:

A cruciferous powerhouse, broccoli is brimming with sulforaphane, which can help increase glutathione levels.

Incorporating these foods into your diet can be a delicious and natural way to support your body’s glutathione production. Remember, a well-balanced diet rich in nutrients is key to overall health. Alongside these foods, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, managing stress, and staying hydrated can all contribute to optimal glutathione levels and well-being.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Are Skin Whitening Tablets bad for a kidney?

Skin whitening tablets contain glutathione; if taken appropriately in the mentioned dosage, they don’t affect the Kidneys. The human body naturally produces it, and is a naturally occurring antioxidant beneficial for various aspects of health, including skin health and overall well-being.

The kidney plays a crucial role in filtering and removing waste products from the blood. If they take in the recommended or high dosage with proper medical guidance, they can accumulate substances that need to be filtered by the kidney.  

Can glutathione lighten the skin tone of private parts?

Glutathione tablets lighten skin tones, including private areas. Glutathione tablets boost glutathione production, which limits the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color. If you take glutathione tablets, it’s possible to lighten the skin tone of private parts.

Do skin whitening tablets permanently lighten skin?

Glutathione or skin-whitening tablets boost glutathione production. The glutathione, which is naturally produced by our body, is halted or limited due to age or an unhealthy diet. The tablets help you fill the glutathione deficiency and make your skin youthful and fresh, removing damaged skin cells to rejuvenate skin cells. But the effects can never be permanent. Initially, you take glutathione tablets and start following a healthy diet. You will witness an instant change in your skin tone; once you get that, focus more on your diet, and leave glutathione tablets.

What are some of the best tablets for fairness?

Glutathione is considered the best skin fairness tablet in Pakistan. It’s an instant hit product; people, including top celebrities, have reviewed the products, and most of them are amazed by the skin whitening results provided by the brand. You can use glutamine or gluten Glime. They, too, are top brands in the skincare niche.

Can pregnant women take skin-whitening tablets?

No pregnant women can’t take skin whitening tablets or the women breastfeed. So if you are pregnant or breastfeeding your baby, don’t take glutathione tablets.

How long does it take for skin whitening tablets to work?

Skin whitening tablets take at least 30 days to show visible results. Some might witness results in days, but generally, it takes time. So be patient, and follow the brand’s or your consultant’s guidelines. Drink lots of water, eat a healthy diet, and take vitamin C supplements.


If you are concerned about your skin tone and looking for skin-whitening tablets or treatments, these are the guideline we mentioned. In this post, we helped you with how skin-whitening tablets help you lighten your skin. We also mentioned if glutathione tablets help remove various skin issues like acne, wrinkles, aging spots, etc.

This guide will help you learn how to use skin-whitening tablets. Remember that skin whitening tablets are expensive due to recent economic conditions in Pakistan. Glutathione is expensive, and it’s expensive to import into Pakistan. So, beware of the fake brand that sells fake glutathione; only go with registered brands.

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