
Gluta White Anti-Pigmentation Serum Price in Pakistan

Unveil the true luminosity of your skin with our extraordinary serum, specially crafted to target:

  • Dark spots and hyperpigmentation
  • Formulated with Vitamin C and Niacinamide, it brightens and imparts a radiant glow
  • AHAs improve skin texture, banish fine lines, and wrinkles
  • Say goodbye to dark spots and hyperpigmentation
  • It’s your ultimate anti-pigmentation serum

But that’s not all, our serum:

  • Shields your skin against environmental stressors and harmful UV rays
  • Transforms your skin into a flawless, balanced canvas
  • Elevate your skincare routine to reveal brighter, more youthful skin
  • Step into a world where your skin’s true brilliance shines through
  • Discover the Anti-Pigmentation and Hyperpigmentation Serum today – your pathway to a perfected, radiant complexion.

Original price was: ₨2,600.00.Current price is: ₨2,000.00.


What is Gluta White Anti-Pigmentation Serum?

Discover a skincare revolution with Gluta White Anti-Pigmentation Serum. This serum is designed to erase dark spots and give you radiant, spotless skin.

The secret lies in its powerful ingredients – Vitamin C and Niacinamide. These ingredients work together to fade dark spots, even out your skin tone, and smooth away fine lines and wrinkles.

Say goodbye to uneven skin and hello to a revitalized, glowing complexion. This serum isn’t just a promise – it’s a reality. Watch as your skin transforms into a canvas that radiates confidence and beauty.

Whether you’re battling the effects of sun exposure or just want skin that makes you feel amazing, Gluta White’s Anti-Pigmentation Serum is here to help.

Elevate your skincare routine with a serum that blends science and nature for real results. Embrace brighter, spotless skin with Gluta White Anti-Pigmentation Serum and embark on a journey towards a flawless complexion that mirrors your inner beauty.

Why Does Pigmentation Happen on Face?

Pigmentation happens when our skin’s color gets uneven. This can occur due to various reasons. Here are the top reasons why pigmentation happens:

Sun Exposure: Spending too much time in the sun without protection can cause pigmentation. The sun’s rays trigger the production of more pigment, leading to dark spots and uneven skin tone.

Hormonal Changes: Hormones can play a big role. Pregnancy, birth control pills, and hormonal imbalances can lead to pigmentation changes, like the “mask of pregnancy” called melasma.

Aging: As we age, our skin’s ability to control pigment production weakens. This can result in age spots or patches of darker skin.

Inflammation and Injuries: Skin injuries, like acne or wounds, can leave behind dark spots. Inflammation from skin conditions like eczema can also trigger pigmentation.

Genetics: Some people are more prone to pigmentation due to their genes. If your family has a history of pigmentation issues, you might be more likely to experience them too.

Skin Products or Treatments: Certain skincare products or treatments that irritate the skin can cause pigmentation. Be careful with products that don’t suit your skin type.

Medications: Some medications can make your skin more sensitive to the sun or directly cause pigmentation changes.

Remember, pigmentation can happen to anyone. Protecting your skin from the sun, using the right skincare, and being mindful of hormonal changes can help you prevent and manage pigmentation.

How Does GlutaWhite Pigmentation serum Removes Pigmentation?

GlutaWhite Anti-Pigmentation Serum works like a superhero against pigmentation and melasma. Let’s break it down in simple terms:

1. Vitamin C: Imagine Vitamin C as a brightening agent. It helps to fade those dark spots and patches on your skin. It’s like a gentle superhero erasing the unevenness.

2. Niacinamide: Think of Niacinamide as a skin tone balancer. It evens out the color differences in your skin caused by pigmentation. It’s like a friendly artist making sure all the colors blend nicely.

So, when you use GlutaWhite Anti-Pigmentation Serum, these two superheroes team up. Vitamin C lightens the dark areas, and Niacinamide makes sure your skin looks smooth and even overall. It’s like a dynamic duo fighting the villains (dark spots and unevenness) on your skin!

Remember, it’s not an instant magic trick – it takes some time to see results. But with consistent use, you’ll start noticing those dark spots and melasma getting lighter and your skin becoming more even. It’s like watching your skin’s own transformation story unfold!

How to use GlutaWhite Pigmentation Serum?

Using GlutaWhite Pigmentation Serum is simple. Follow these steps to make the most of it:

Morning Routine:

If you’re also using GlutaWhite Whitening Serum, start your day with it. Put a few drops on your face and gently rub it in with soft hands. This serum helps brighten your skin.

Night Routine:

In the evening, switch to GlutaWhite Pigmentation Serum. Again, apply a few drops on your face and gently massage it in using gentle motions. This serum targets dark spots and unevenness.


  • Use each serum twice a day for the best results.
  • If you’re using both the Pigmentation Serum and the Whitening Serum, it’s a good idea to use them at different times. The Whitening Serum in the morning and the Pigmentation Serum at night.

Be patient! Results take time, so keep up the routine to see your skin transform.
With GlutaWhite Pigmentation Serum, you’re on your way to achieving a more even and radiant complexion. Your skin will thank you for the extra care!

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Gluta White Anti-Pigmentation Serum Price in Pakistan
Original price was: ₨2,600.00.Current price is: ₨2,000.00.
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