
Gluta White Skin Whitening Tablets 15-days Deal Price (30Gluta + 15 Gluta C)

Unveil your skin’s radiant potential with our premium GlutaWhite Skin Whitening Capsules, a groundbreaking solution for achieving a flawless complexion. This exclusive deal brings you 30 GlutaWhite capsules and 15 water-soluble Sip C capsules for 3500Rs, a dynamic duo designed to transform your skincare regimen.

GlutaWhite Skin Whitening Capsules:

Each GlutaWhite tablet is a powerhouse of carefully selected ingredients, formulated to give you the luminous skin you’ve always dreamed of. Featuring an expertly crafted blend, each tablet contains:

L-Glutathione (B.P) : 500MG: Known as the master antioxidant, L-Glutathione helps neutralize harmful free radicals, supporting the skin’s natural defense against environmental stressors.

Alpha Lipoic Acid: 50MG: This potent antioxidant aids in regenerating other antioxidants, enhancing the overall efficacy of the formula and promoting a youthful glow.

Sodium Ascorbate 25MG: A gentle, non-acidic form of Vitamin C, Sodium Ascorbate contributes to collagen production, skin elasticity, and overall skin health.

Collagen 50MG: Essential for maintaining skin’s suppleness and firmness, Collagen helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, providing a rejuvenated complexion.

Vitamin E 110mg: Nourish and protect your skin with Vitamin E, known for its moisturizing properties and ability to improve skin texture and tone.

Sip C Capsules:

As a perfect complement to GlutaWhite, our package includes 15 water-soluble Sip C capsules. These capsules offer an additional boost of skincare goodness with a focus on Vitamin C. Each Sip C tablet boasts:

Experience the synergy of GlutaWhite’s comprehensive formula combined with the rejuvenating power of Sip C capsules. This holistic approach to skincare not only targets skin whitening but also promotes overall skin vitality, resilience, and a natural radiance that shines from within.


Original price was: ₨4,199.00.Current price is: ₨3,499.00.


Benefits of GlutaWhite Skin Whitening Capsules

  1. Improve Skin Tone:GlutaWhite Capsules work to even out your skin tone, making it look smoother and more balanced. Say goodbye to uneven patches and hello to a more consistent complexion.
  2. Promote Hair Growth:These capsules don’t just benefit your skin; they also support hair growth, helping you achieve healthier and more lustrous locks.
  3. Skin Whitening Results:Get ready for a brighter you! GlutaWhite Capsules are designed to help lighten your skin, reducing dark spots and making your skin look more radiant and youthful.
  4. Natural Shine:Enjoy a natural glow that radiates from your body. These capsules enhance your skin’s natural shine, giving you that healthy and vibrant look.
  5. Protection Against Free Radicals:GlutaWhite Capsules act as a shield against harmful molecules called free radicals. These can damage your skin and make it look tired, but with these capsules, you’re protected!
  6. Improve Skin Appearance:If you want your skin to look better, these capsules are your friends. They can make your skin look smoother, more elastic, and just overall more appealing.

Now, let’s talk about the Sip C Capsules:

  1. Vitamin Si for Antioxidant Power:The Sip C Capsules are like a superhero for your body. They contain Vitamin Si, a super-strong antioxidant that fights off bad stuff that can hurt your skin and body.
  2. Supports Immune Function:A strong immune system helps keep you healthy all around. The Sip C Capsules give your immune system a boost, making sure you’re feeling your best.
  3. Promotes Collagen Production:Collagen is like the “glue” that keeps your skin firm and smooth. These capsules help your body make more collagen, so your skin stays plump and youthful.

With GlutaWhite Skin Whitening Capsules and Sip C Capsules, you’re giving your skin and body the care they deserve. Get ready to look and feel your best every day!

What is the Price of GlutaWhite Skin Whitening Capsules?

One month recommended GlutaWhite Course costs you 3499 Pkr. Keep in mind, for this price, you will get 30 GlutaWhite Capsules and 15 Vitamin C capsules.

30 GlutaWhite + 15 Sip C Tablets = 3499 Rs

How to Use GlutaWhite Capsules for Best Results.

Using GlutaWhite Capsules and Sip C Capsules is easy and effective. Follow these simple steps to incorporate them into your daily routine:

Using GlutaWhite Capsules:

Morning Dose: Take the first GlutaWhite tablet in the morning after your breakfast. This tablet is your initial step towards achieving glowing skin.

Evening Dose: Later in the day, after your dinner, take the second GlutaWhite tablet. This helps maintain a consistent intake and supports your skin’s transformation.

Remember to drink a glass of water while taking the capsules to aid in their absorption and support your overall hydration.

Using Sip C Capsules:

Lunchtime Boost: After your lunch, it’s time for the Sip C Tablet. This water-soluble tablet is simple to use. Here’s how:

  • Drop the Sip C tablet into a glass of water.
  • Watch as it dissolves, releasing its beneficial content.
  • Once the tablet is completely mixed in the water, it’s ready to drink.
  • Enjoy the refreshing drink while giving your body a boost of Vitamin C.

By following this routine, you’re not only ensuring the best absorption of GlutaWhite skin-enhancing ingredients but also providing your body with the immune-boosting power of Sip C Capsules.

Key Tips:

Set a Reminder: If you’re someone who tends to forget, set alarms or reminders on your phone to prompt you to take your GlutaWhite and Sip C Capsules at the designated times.

Consistency Matters: To see the best results, consistency is key. Stick to your daily routine of taking these capsules to support your skin and overall well-being.

Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is essential. It helps your body process the capsules and keeps your skin and body hydrated.

With GlutaWhite Capsules and Sip C Capsules, you’re on your way to achieving radiant skin and a healthier you. Just a few simple steps each day can lead to amazing results!


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Gluta White Skin Whitening Tablets 15-days Deal Price (30Gluta + 15 Gluta C)
Original price was: ₨4,199.00.Current price is: ₨3,499.00.
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