Best Glutathione Products in Pakistan

Best Glutathione Products Pakistan (Price, Side Effects, Uses)

Are you on a quest for radiant and healthy skin? Look no further because we’ve got you covered in this ultimate guide to the best glutathione products. Whether you’re new to the skincare world or a seasoned pro, understanding the power of glutathione can be a game-changer.

Glutathione, a natural antioxidant, is crucial in maintaining skin health and fighting off those pesky free radicals. In this blog post, specially crafted for our non-native readers, we’ll explore the top-notch glutathione tablets, serums, and creams that can help you achieve that enviable glow.

Join us as we break down these products in easy-to-understand terms, highlighting their benefits and how they can fit into your skincare routine. Get ready to unlock the secrets of healthy, luminous skin with our simplified guide to the best glutathione supplements. Your journey to skincare bliss starts here! 

What is Glutathione? How’s it beneficial for our Skin whitening?

Glutathione, often called the “master antioxidant,” is a natural molecule in our bodies that plays a pivotal role in maintaining overall health.

Its primary function is to counteract the harmful effects of oxidative stress and free radicals – molecules that can damage our cells and tissues. This antioxidant not only supports our immune system but also helps in detoxification processes.

Regarding skin whitening, glutathione has garnered attention for its potential to influence skin pigmentation. It’s believed that glutathione works by inhibiting the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color, hair, and eyes. Higher levels of melanin lead to darker skin tones, while lower levels can result in lighter skin.

Some studies suggest that taking glutathione orally, as in tablets or capsules, might have a gradual skin-lightening effect over time. However, it’s important to note that individual responses can vary, and the degree of skin lightening might not be drastic.

Best Glutathione Pills for Skin Whitening in Pakistan

Gluta White Skin Whitening Tablets (30-Days GlutaWhite Capsules) price Pakistan

Original price was: ₨6,399.00.Current price is: ₨5,799.00.

Explain the top Benefits of Glutathione:

These are some top benefits of glutathione; let’s have a bird’s eye view.

Powerful Antioxidant Defense:

Glutathione serves as the body’s superhero against oxidative stress and free radicals. It neutralizes harmful molecules that can damage cells, helping to keep your body’s systems running smoothly and efficiently.

Skin Whitening Potential:

Among its many functions, glutathione has piqued interest for its potential to influence skin pigmentation. Regulating melanin production could contribute to a gradual skin-lightening effect, leading to a more even skin tone. However, individual responses may vary.

 Immune System Booster:

Glutathione plays a key role in supporting a robust immune system. It aids immune cells in combating infections, viruses, and illnesses, keeping you healthier and more resistant to diseases.

Detoxification Dynamo:

It helps your body eliminate toxins and harmful substances, promoting better liver function. By aiding in the detox process, glutathione contributes to overall well-being.

Anti-Aging Ally:

Glutathione levels can decline as we age, contributing to aging. Replenishing glutathione levels helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and maintain a youthful glow.

Cell Repair and Regeneration:

Glutathione supports cellular repair, helping damaged cells to recover and regenerate. This is particularly important for maintaining healthy skin, as skin cells continuously renew.

 Improved Skin Health:

By supporting the body’s internal balance and defense mechanisms, glutathione indirectly contributes to healthier skin. Its antioxidant properties can alleviate inflammation, acne, and other skin issues.

Glutathione Products Available in Pakistan: 


 Glutathione supplements in tablet or capsule form are designed for oral consumption. These supplements aim to provide an additional source of glutathione or its precursors to support antioxidant defense and overall health.


Glutathione serums are topical products applied directly to the skin. They’re formulated to deliver glutathione and other beneficial ingredients directly to the skin’s surface, targeting specific skin concerns and promoting a healthy complexion.


Glutathione creams and lotions are applied topically to the skin. These products are typically designed to provide a more general skincare approach, offering antioxidant protection and potentially contributing to skin health over time.


Glutathione injections involve a direct administration of the antioxidant into the bloodstream. This method bypasses the digestive system and is believed to result in higher glutathione levels in the body. It’s often used in aesthetic and wellness clinics for potential skin-lightening effects.

Best Glutathione Tablets in Pakistan:

Glutathione Tablets are common in Pakistan. These tablets are available for various other uses and skin whitening results too. Those looking into getting lighter skin complexion can consume these tablets, and they help lighten skin and improve the look and health of the skin.

These are the top glutathione tablet in Pakistan:

GlutaWhite Skin Whitening Tablets:

Gluta White Skin Whitening Tablets 30-Day Course Price in Pakistan

Original price was: ₨6,800.00.Current price is: ₨6,399.00.

GlutaWhite skin whitening products have gained popularity for their promise of achieving a lighter complexion. Central to these products is the inclusion of glutathione, a potent antioxidant that can influence skin pigmentation.

Glutathione works by inhibiting melanin production, the pigment responsible for skin color. While the percentage of glutathione in GlutaWhite products varies, it generally ranges from 20% to 50%.


In addition to glutathione, GlutaWhite formulations often feature complementary ingredients such as vitamin C, which aids in collagen synthesis and brightening, and alpha arbutin and kojic acid, known for their skin-lightening properties.

Licorice extract might also be included for its potential anti-inflammatory and skin-soothing effects. Together, these ingredients address uneven skin tone and promote a clearer complexion.

Glutathione Skin Whitening Tablets Price in Pakistan:

For a 30-day skin whitening deal of GlutaWhite, you will get 60 GlutaWhite tablets and 30 vitamin C tablets for a price of 6400 Pkr.

GlutaOne Skin Whitening Tablets:

GlutaOne skin whitening tablets focus on delivering a concentrated dose of glutathione to enhance skin radiance potentially. These tablets commonly contain a significant amount of glutathione, often around 1000mg per tablet.


 Aside from glutathione, GlutaOne tablets may contain supporting ingredients like vitamin C, which complements glutathione’s antioxidant activity.

Vitamin C is known to assist in collagen production and protect the skin from oxidative stress. This combination aims to contribute to skin brightening and overall skin health.

It’s important to note that while oral glutathione supplementation is often associated with skin lightening, individual responses can vary.

GlutaMax Skin Whitening Tablets:

GlutaMax skin whitening tablets also emphasize a substantial amount of glutathione, typically ranging from 500mg to 1000mg per tablet.


These tablets often blend glutathione, vitamin C, and alpha lipoic acid. Alpha lipoic acid is an antioxidant that complements glutathione’s function, potentially enhancing its effectiveness in promoting a more even skin tone. As with other glutathione supplements, it’s important to approach GlutaMax tablets with realistic expectations, understanding that multiple factors beyond pigmentation influence skin health.

Why is it important to take glutathione tablets with vitamin C?

Taking glutathione tablets with vitamin C is often recommended because vitamin C plays a crucial role in enhancing the effectiveness and absorption of glutathione in the body. Here’s why this combination is important:

1. Enhanced Antioxidant Activity:

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant in its own right. Combined with glutathione, another potent antioxidant, their effects can synergize. Vitamin C helps regenerate oxidized or spent glutathione molecules back to their active form, allowing them to continue neutralizing harmful free radicals. This cooperative action results in a longer-lasting and more robust antioxidant defense for your cells.

2. Collagen Synthesis:

Vitamin C is essential for collagen production, a protein that maintains the skin’s structure and elasticity. Healthy collagen contributes to smoother, firmer, and more youthful-looking skin. By supporting collagen synthesis, vitamin C indirectly aids in maintaining healthy skin and delaying the signs of aging.

3. Improved Glutathione Absorption:

Vitamin C enhances the absorption of certain nutrients, including glutathione. It can help transport glutathione more effectively through the intestinal lining and into the bloodstream. When taken together, the body is more likely to absorb the ingested glutathione, increasing its availability for various cellular processes.

4. Optimal Immune Function:

Both glutathione and vitamin C contribute to immune system health. Vitamin C supports immune cells’ activity, and glutathione plays a role in the proper functioning of immune cells. Ensuring adequate levels of both antioxidants supports your immune system’s ability to fight off infections and illnesses.

Best Glutathione Serums in Pakistan:

Here are some of the best glutathione serums available in Pakistan, including the two brands you mentioned:

GlutaWhite Glutathione Serum:

Gluta White Skin Whitening Serum Price in Pakistan

Original price was: ₨2,200.00.Current price is: ₨1,800.00.

GlutaWhite offers a popular glutathione serum that addresses uneven skin tone and promotes a brighter complexion. Infused with glutathione, it targets melanin production, potentially leading to a gradual lightening effect. The serum may also contain additional ingredients like vitamin C and botanical extracts to enhance its skin-brightening benefits.

GlutaOne Glutathione Serum:

GlutaOne’s glutathione serum is designed to provide the skin with antioxidant protection and promote a more radiant appearance. With its glutathione content, the serum may contribute to regulating melanin production for a more even skin tone. The formulation might include supportive ingredients like hyaluronic acid and vitamin E for added hydration and nourishment.

Dr. Rashel Glutathione Serum:

Dr. Rashel offers a glutathione serum that combines this antioxidant with other skin-loving ingredients. This serum aims to brighten and hydrate the skin, addressing dullness and promoting a youthful glow.

Asterwood Naturals Glutathione Serum:

Asterwood Naturals provides a glutathione serum known for its purity and natural formulation. This serum aims to support skin health with glutathione’s antioxidant properties while staying free from harmful additives.

St. Botanica Glutathione Radiance Serum:

St. Botanica’s glutathione serum offers a blend of antioxidants, including glutathione, to help rejuvenate the skin. This serum aims to reduce the appearance of dark spots and promote a more luminous complexion.

Saeed Ghani Glutathione Serum:

Saeed Ghani’s glutathione serum is formulated to improve skin texture and radiance. It may contain glutathione along with other natural ingredients to promote skin health.

When choosing a glutathione serum, consider your skin type, concerns, and preferences. Remember to conduct a patch test before applying any new product to your face and consult a dermatologist if you have specific skin issues or sensitivities.

How to use Glutathione Serum for Skin Whitening?

  • Begin by cleansing your face with your preferred soap or cleanser. Ensure your face is clean and free from impurities.
  • Gently pat your face dry with a clean towel. Avoid excessive rubbing to prevent irritation.
  • Dispense 2 to 3 drops of the serum onto your fingertips. Remember, a little goes a long way.
  • With soft, gentle motions, apply the serum evenly to your face. Allow it to be absorbed naturally into your skin, avoiding excessive pressure.
  • Use the serum twice daily – once in the morning and once at night for optimal results. However, avoid overuse to prevent any potential skin sensitivity.
  • Remember to protect your skin from excessive sunlight exposure. While using the serum, avoiding prolonged periods of direct sunlight and using sunscreen when heading outdoors is advisable.

By following these steps and maintaining a balanced skincare routine, you can maximize the benefits of the whitening serum while keeping your skin healthy and radiant.

Best Glutathione Creams Available in Pakistan:

In Pakistan’s vibrant skincare market, several glutathione creams promise to promote a brighter, more even complexion. Two noteworthy brands in this category are GlutaWhite and GlutaOne.

These creams contain glutathione as a key ingredient, renowned for its potential skin-brightening effects. Let’s delve into these creams and explore other options that can contribute to your skin’s radiance.

1. GlutaWhite Whitening Cream:

Gluta White Skin Whitening Cream Price in Pakistan

Original price was: ₨2,600.00.Current price is: ₨2,300.00.

GlutaWhite’s whitening cream features glutathione as a prominent ingredient. Glutathione is recognized for its role in inhibiting melanin production, which can lead to a gradual lightening of the skin tone.

This cream targets dark spots, uneven skin tone, and hyperpigmentation, contributing to a more balanced complexion. In addition to glutathione, GlutaWhite cream may also contain other ingredients like vitamin C and kojic acid, which further enhance its skin-brightening potential.

GlutaWhite Cream Price: The price of GlutaOne Skin Whitening Cream in Pakistan is 2200 PKR, at the time of writing the article.

2. GlutaOne Skin Whitening Cream:

Like GlutaWhite, GlutaOne’s skin whitening cream incorporates glutathione as a central component. Glutathione’s antioxidant properties can help regulate melanin production, which may gradually improve skin tone. This cream might also include other beneficial ingredients, such as vitamin E and natural extracts, to nourish the skin and promote a radiant appearance.

GlutaOne Cream price in Pakistan: 2200 PKR

How to use Glutathione Creams?

Using glutathione creams effectively involves a simple yet consistent skincare routine. Follow these steps to get the most out of your glutathione cream:


Start with a clean face. Use a gentle cleanser to remove dirt, makeup, and impurities. Pat your face dry with a clean towel.

Toner (Optional):

 If you use a toner in your skincare routine, apply it after cleansing and before applying the cream. A toner can help balance your skin’s pH and prepare it for the next steps.

Glutathione Cream Application:


 Dispense a small amount of the glutathione cream onto your fingertips. Usually, a pea-sized amount is sufficient for the entire face.


Dot the cream onto your face, including the forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin.

Even Application:

 Gently spread the cream using upward motions. Avoid rubbing too harshly, especially around delicate areas like the eyes.


Using gentle, circular motions, massage the cream into your skin. This promotes better absorption and stimulates blood circulation, contributing to a healthy complexion.

Neck and Décolletage:

 If desired, extend the application to your neck and chest (décolletage) for consistent skin tone.

Allow Absorption:

Give the cream a few minutes to absorb fully into your skin. Avoid touching your face during this time to prevent disturbing the product.

SPF Protection: 

If you’re applying the cream during the daytime, follow up with a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30. This helps protect your skin from the sun’s UV rays and prevents further skin darkening.

Nighttime Routine: 

If using the cream at night, you can follow it up with your regular nighttime skincare routine, such as a moisturizer or serum.


Depending on the cream’s concentration and your skin’s sensitivity, you can use the glutathione cream once or twice a day. Follow the product’s instructions or consult a dermatologist for personalized guidance.

Patch Test: 

Before using the cream on your entire face, consider doing a patch test on a small area of your skin to check for any adverse reactions or allergies.

How to choose the Best Glutathione Product:

Choosing the best glutathione product for your skincare needs involves several important considerations. Follow these steps to make an informed decision:

Select the Product Type: 

Begin by determining the type of product you prefer – cream, serum, tablets, or soap. Each type offers unique application methods and benefits, so choose the one that aligns with your skincare routine and goals.

Verify DRAP Approval: 

Look for products approved by the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP). This ensures that the product has met safety and quality standards set by regulatory authorities, giving you confidence in its authenticity and effectiveness.

Assess Brand Reputation: 

Research the brand’s reputation within the skincare industry. Look for customer reviews, ratings, and feedback to gauge users’ overall satisfaction and experiences using the product. A brand with a positive reputation will likely offer reliable and quality products.

Examine Ingredients: 

Carefully read the product’s ingredient list. Opt for products that prioritize natural and safe ingredients. Glutathione products that utilize natural extracts, vitamins, and antioxidants alongside glutathione can offer enhanced benefits without relying solely on chemicals.

Avoid Harmful Chemicals: 

Avoid products containing harsh chemicals, parabens, sulfates, or artificial fragrances. These ingredients can irritate the skin and have adverse effects in the long run. Choose products that prioritize gentle formulations and avoid potentially harmful additives.

Selecting the right glutathione product is paramount in the pursuit of healthy and radiant skin. Following a few simple steps, you can navigate the vast array of options and find the perfect fit for your skincare routine.

Begin by identifying the type of product that aligns with your preferences and needs, whether it’s a cream, serum, tablet, or soap. As you explore different brands, prioritize those that hold DRAP approval, assuring you of their quality and adherence to regulatory standards.


Your skin’s well-being is directly linked to the reputation of the brand you choose. Research customer reviews, ratings, and experiences to gain insights into a brand’s reliability and the effectiveness of its products.

Delve into ingredient lists to ensure the presence of natural and safe components. Glutathione products that incorporate complementary ingredients, free from harsh chemicals, can provide a holistic approach to skin health.

Remember that a well-rounded approach is key in your journey towards healthier skin. Prioritize not only the outer appearance but also your skin’s long-term vitality. And while glutathione products hold potential benefits, it’s essential to consult a skin care professional before introducing new products, especially if you have specific skin concerns or sensitivities.

Ultimately, the right glutathione product can become a valuable ally in achieving your desired healthy, radiant skin. You’re taking meaningful steps toward your skincare goals by making informyou’reices and embracing a comprehensive skincare routine HHere’sto your journey of self-care, confidence, and glowing skin.

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